Photoshop effect – Create Cheese text effect

1. Type word cheese in yellow color with font 'Showcard Gothic Regular'.

cheese text

2. Rasterize the layer.

cheese rasterize

3. Open elliptical marque selection tool.

cheese marque

4. Do the selection as shown below.

cheese selection

5. Press Delete button to delete the selected portion on the text. Repeat step 3-4 until you get the outcome as below.

cheese delete

6. Now press “Ctrl+Alt+Up arrow” keys 4-5 times to generate duplicate layers in upper directions.

cheese duplicate

7. We merge all duplicate layers to get the pic as shown below.

cheese merge1

8. Apply shadow setting as shown below to have some effect on cheese text.

cheese shadow1

9. Repeat step 5-7 until you get the final outcome as shown below.

cheese final

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